Clash of the Titans3: Vepr AK47 vs Daniel Defense AR15;
Drops on Concrete & Water Test

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Clash of the Titans3: Vepr AK47 vs Daniel Defense AR15;
Drops on Concrete & Water Test
Awesome slo mo into creek Rob. Also — Ula kicks ASS! On a more serious note I REALLY REALLY think that cold weather testing (this winter please!) is the next frontier for the Union testing. Ironically, given Union testing of ARs (and other you tubers) I now have much more respect for ARs reliability in adverse conditions.
HOWEVER, I still believe that a well built AK has a real advantage in cold weather testing. I have been wrong though on other AR weaknesses and need to see this for myself in the way that only Rob Ski and Union can provide! It could be cheaper without big ammo outlay and you could seek input here and or AK files on cold weather testing protocol and offer prizes for this whose ideas are used. Personally, I would begin by mirroring Izsmash or other milspec testing protocols and maybe use some ideas from the now famous 1986 SWAT magazine article that did extreme cold weather tests for the Alaska State Troopers. That was 30 years ago man! The Union can do it better and capture it all on glorious hi-def. For comedy you could show Paul freezing his skinny ass off during tests.
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