AK Winter Shoot – Kalashni Con 2020!

AK Winter Shoot – Kalashni Con 2020 was awesome event!
Don’t miss chance for Spring one (end of May)!
Organizer: Matt (contact: kalashnicon1@gmail.com ) Links: Big Piney Sportsmen Club – https://bigpineysportsmansclub.com/ Kalashni Con Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kalashnicon/

5 responses to “AK Winter Shoot – Kalashni Con 2020!”

  1. Caleb Avatar

    Thanks for all the great content Rob! I recently purchased my first rifle, a WASR-10, and your videos have been a huge help to me. I do have one question: I checked all the rivets on the rifle as you recommended in one of your videos, and all of them looked fine, but I just noticed some light showing between the receiver and the side rail. The rivets holding the side rail in place look fine. Should I be concerned?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, should be good. Run it and shoot it!

      1. Caleb Avatar

        Thank you sir, and keep up the great work! My AKOU package came in a while ago and I am quite pleased!

  2. Mike Robertson Avatar

    For some reason I can’t buy from store it clears my cart , and I have bought before?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Mike, store won’t allow transaction from VPN, IP must be based in USA. Are you using VPN?

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