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20 responses to “New Improved Serbian ZPAP M70 AK: 1000 Rounds!”

  1. Buz Avatar

    Looking for a new pair of tactical/shooting gloves Rob. Don’t you still sell them? Thanks, Buz Salmon

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I don’t sell them anymore. Sorry. I use mainly Biltwell or Mechanix gloves.

      1. Kevin D Butler Avatar
        Kevin D Butler

        You use the Biltwell Moto gloves, Rob?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Those and Mechanix.

  2. randy guevara Avatar
    randy guevara

    Aloha Rob Ski,

    My name is Randy and I am from Honolulu. I am new to the AK platform and after watching your you tube videos along with others, I took the dive and purchased two of the new Zpap M70s with the chrome lined bore. When I received them, I noticed one front sight drum is far off center to the right on one rifle and far off center to the left on the other. After researching I found the term “canted sights” all over the place. Half of the world says its normal and the other half says its a defect???? What is your take on this. The Zastava manual says the rifles are factory tested for accuracy so im assuming they are sighted in. Due to the coronavirus I am unable to get to a range to test these out. Any information/suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated!!!!



    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Hi Randy, check your email

  3. Chris Avatar

    Rob, I just sent a message to your store sight but dont iniq if you get it there. I am looking for my first AK. I have found one of the new Zastava ZPAP M70 for sale (seems to be one of the last ones in the country) and am trying to decide between this and waiting for PSA to release their next batch of AKE’s to the market. Do you think I would like one over the other? I know a chrome lined barrel is important t and a 1.5mm receiver is more rigid but dont know what difference a bulged trunion makes.

    Also, if I went with the Zastava would you steer me toward the wood furniture or the polymer? Any insights into what the better choice for me is would be helpful.


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I would suggest to start with wood, you will get that classic look first and see how you like it. Then you can start customizing it…

  4. Chris Avatar

    Hey Rob,

    I am in the market for my very first AK. I have found a Zastave ZPAP M70b for sale (has to be one of the few left in the country) and am trying to decide between ordering this in the next couple of days or waiting for the next release of PSA AKE’s to come out. I watching your 5000 round review on the PSA with great interest a d wish you were already 5000 into the Zastava. Both are about the same $$ and I wanted to see if you have any input before I pull the trigger.

    Also, I am curious if you would suggest wood furniture or polymer furniture for my first AK as well. I trust your opinion implicitly and would love to hear anything you have to say on the subject.


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I think with current pricing, new Zastava is better value. I would suggest to start with wood, you will get that classic look first and see how you like it. Then you can start customizing it…

  5. Greg Avatar

    Rob, do you like the zastava or the palmetto state ake better?

    thanks, and love the channel

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I think with current pricing, new Zastava is better value.

  6. ny700 Avatar

    Rob, not a specific rifle question, but I have been really impressed with the videography of your stuff. What is your target camera set up. The trace you have been capturing has been fantastic.

    I’m really trying to develop my skills as a spotter and you have this absolutely dialed in. Thanks for all you do

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Hi, i use old nikon coolpix p900. It has 83x zoom.

  7. John Avatar

    Been watching you for a while. Ive built many ARs, but started to get bored with it, and needed a 16″ rifle length x39 to supplement my PTR HK32 8.5″ PDW. I got this new chromelined zpap. It has very nice walnut furniture, but I need a folding stock, grip and mlok or picatinny handguard. QD points would be nice. Thanks Robski

    1. John Avatar

      What pattern furniture does it use. I don’t think its standard.
      Thanks again

      1. Rob Ski Avatar
        Rob Ski

        It uses Yugo pattern furniture.

  8. Nolan Avatar

    Good afternoon Mr. Ski,
    I recently purchased a zpapm70 without the thicker reciever, bulged trunion and chrome lined barrel. I want to replace the shepherds hook with a retaining plate, and the full auto safety to a semi auto. Are these changes you recomend? Will the retaining plate cause any issues or unwarranted wear on the rifle? And are there any products you would recommend? Thankyou for your time and service to the gun community.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Retainer plate won’t cause issues. That’s what i would do on my Zpap: change paper clip to retainer plate and change safety to semi auto – WBP Mod 2 works well. But that’s me…

      1. Danny Avatar

        Rob, I have noticed that when I used the powers custom or red star pin retainer plate that the pins move back and forth a little, because they are so thin. I bought the Ronin’s Grip pin retaining plate that is thicker, and has no play like the powers custom, or red star pin retaining plate. The Ronins Grip pin retaining plate is cut the same thickness as the pins to have a tighter fit, no movement.

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