Every day I’m getting questions about my favorite setup on my personal rifle. So instead of replying back to the same emails and messages on daily basis, I will list all components used right here on this blog.

All components on this rifle were selected after endless field testings and beat-ups in some really harsh environments. Please note that I’m not telling you to buy these.
This is only personal preference and all these work best for me, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to be happy with similar setup. As always, please do your homework and don’t take everything for granted. That being said, if you would like to buy some of these components, please remember that you can save some money by visiting our Union Friendly Business section and use coupon codes posted there.
-Rob Ski
Spec list:
Rifle was customized based on Arsenal’s Saiga SGL31 by great folks from Definitive Arms
Hand guard rail (UFM Keymod): Krebs Custom Guns
Pistol grip (AK Battle grip): US Palm
Stock adapter (AK to M4): Rifle Dynamics
Optic mount (300 series): RS Regulate
Stock (CTR): Magpul
Enhanced Safety lever: Krebs Custom Guns
Bolton gas block: Venom Tactical
Some components were acquired from: Circle 10 AK
Weight (with optic mount): 7.5 Lbs
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