My Personal AK

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Every day I’m getting questions about my favorite setup on my personal rifle. So instead of replying back to the same emails and messages on daily basis, I will list all components used right here on this blog.

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Click to Enlarge

All components on this rifle were selected after endless field testings and beat-ups in some really harsh environments. Please note that I’m not telling you to buy these.

This is only personal preference and all these work best for me, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to be happy with similar setup. As always, please do your homework and don’t take everything for granted. That being said, if you would like to buy some of these components, please remember that you can save some money by visiting our Union Friendly Business section and use coupon codes posted there.
-Rob Ski
Spec list:
Rifle was customized based on Arsenal’s Saiga SGL31 by great folks from Definitive Arms

Hand guard rail (UFM Keymod): Krebs Custom Guns

Pistol grip (AK Battle grip): US Palm

Stock adapter (AK to M4): Rifle Dynamics

Optic mount (300 series): RS Regulate

Stock (CTR): Magpul

Enhanced Safety lever: Krebs Custom Guns

Bolton gas block: Venom Tactical

Some components were acquired from: Circle 10 AK

Weight (with optic mount): 7.5 Lbs

Definitive Arms

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69 responses to “My Personal AK”

  1. mike Avatar

    i wish this lower hand guard fit with an ultimak upper

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Mike, guys from Rifle Dynamics did some creative work and they made this possible. You may want to check with them on this…- Rob Ski

  2. James Avatar

    Very nice set up. How do you like the RD adapter for the AR Buffer Tube? I had a Vltor tube, that was sweet, but this piece looks pretty handy.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      James, RD adapter works very well. It isn’t as easy to install as Vltor is, but if i could do it, anyone can do it…lol. I’m using it rather extensively and it takes a regular beating like in this video… – Rob Ski

      1. Jay Avatar

        I am interested in the RD stock adaptor. I don’t like to bolt stuff on that I don’t need. It being a 47 I am interested to know if you believe the slightly different bore to stock axis will help to keep muzzle down on follow up shots. That is the only reason I would need it for. Will the cost vs. benefit be worth it ?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Jay, to help you to keep muzzle down, it would be better to spend money on good muzzle brake instead. You will benefit most from it.

      2. Elmira Avatar

        Arelicts like this just make me want to visit your website even more.

  3. Rob Ski Avatar
    Rob Ski

    Personally, I prefer to use 5.45×39 – it does extremely overall good job and it is very lethal round. 7.62×39 will give you more penetration against hard targets, but you have to carry 30% more in extra ammo weight, because that’s the difference between 5.45 and 7.62. Also, by default, 5.45 has less recoil and acts better (flatter trajectory) when shooting at longer distances. The best option is to have both calibers and keep using these as neceassary… – Rob Ski

  4. Mick Avatar

    What is that grip surface on the mag? And how is it done?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Hi Mick, i have done this by using simple stippling method. Requires little bit of work, but greatly enhances surface texture. – Rob Ski

  5. Paul Avatar

    What type of muzzle brake is that?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Paul, this is Battlecomp brake.

      1. Paul Avatar

        Thanks, also is it just me or has the barrel been shortened? It looks slightly shorter than my SGL-31 after I’ve removed it’s brake. It could just be an optical illusion though because of the angles.

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Paul, barrel was shortened to 14.5″, so i have muzzle brake permanently welded and pinned to the barrel.

  6. Marc Major Avatar
    Marc Major

    Hey Rob Ski, nice rifle man just wondering if you know of any good stock adapter for a side folder. I have an Arsenal SLR107-31SF really want that Rifle Dynamics adapter but cant get it for the side folder. Any suggestions?

  7. Raymond Miller Avatar
    Raymond Miller

    Hello Rob! Love the videos and information that you provide. I recently bought my first AK47 (the C39 from CAI) after 30 years of shooting and 20 in LE and have learned alot from the information that you’ve put out. As to the C39, it seems as though they hit the jackpot with their milled receiver, but skimped on the parts–like the top cover which is pretty thin and doesn’t fit flush (front to rear). I’ve noticed that many of those parts, manufactured in Russia, Poland, E Germany, etc, are far superior than the stock Century parts. So, I’ve changed the top cover and rear sight to Polish, the recoil assembly to Bulgarian with a Wolf extra power spring and an SRVV Jet brake. My problem now is finding a good safety selector. I recently had an AD at the range (luckily my range is deep in the woods and I was alone) when the stock selector lever proceeded past the top cover and activatrd the trigger. Do you have any experiences or suggestions relative to this problem?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You may want to try use Krebs Safety (hopefully it will fit). For some strange reason, C39 had full auto safety…there is no need for this…

      1. Timothy Thomas Avatar
        Timothy Thomas

        One would assume if century was sending out semi auto rifle with auto selectors switches . That they would inform the public . Especially since this is not a municipality or Government marketed rifle . Their target demographic is American civilian .
        Had I been The shotcaller at century . Firstly if I were going to let the auto safety selectors slide . I would have for .1 Gotten my marketing dept well informed and aware the possible implications of the auto safety selector . Secondly ‘EDUCATE the customer ” Which at times could be just as costly as replacing a part . ” However everything is relevant to circumstances ” . I would have done this 3 fold , educating the customers through Guy’s like you ROB who do reviews I would ask my reviews to emphasize the safety selector and the possible discharge of a round in chamber . As well as Pod casts reviews and radio etc . Finally in forums I would have had my social media people spreading the news and the educating through forums and facebook etc . Lastly but more importantly . I would have not only informed in all forms of media about the selector . I would have offered for those who so desire a semi auto selector “upgrade ” By making a bulk purchase deal with krebs or the like . With all that said I don’t own a gun company . And anyone can sit from afar and speculate . God Bless

  8. Duke Kester Avatar
    Duke Kester

    Mr. Ski,

    I have begun to train more with an AKM. I would like to know, what distance do you recommend for zeroing the rifle? What is a good time to strive for when drilling speed reloads with the rifle? Do you recommend any kind of marksmanship standards or qualification course of fire?

    Thank you for your time, dedication, & generosity you put into the site.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Duke, if you have red dot, go fro 25 meters zero, if you are using iron sights, do 100 meters zero on setting “1” and then drop to setting “p”. This will cover you on AKM up to 300 meters without adjusting sights.
      @ standards – I think that you should be proficient with hitting human size targets up to at least 300 meters…

  9. Rav Avatar

    Hey Rob, what is your opinion on the gas block sight vs the front sight (I noticed you have a gas block sight)? Which is better for longer ranges, or does it even matter?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      This AK is easily accurate up to 500 yds with iron sights. Gas block / sights combo saves the weight on rifle, because then you can get rid of front post. I’m awaiting another rifle with another combo sight. I will do more research on it, but i will tell you that barrel length has more impact on overall rifle performance than this. By shortening barrel, you are losing bullet speed, so, at extended range, this will have an impact.

  10. Chris Avatar

    Hello Mr. Ski, I appreciate all of your very helpful information on AK’s and the gear that goes with them. I would like to know your thought on the POSP scopes for the AK 47 are they worth the $240 or would you recommend something else for that price range?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      $240 is OK. As long as you don’t pay some crazy money for these, they are ok.

  11. Jared Avatar

    Mr. Ski, Is the zenit b30c and b31 a good fit for the arsenal sgl31?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, this is perfect fit!

  12. Rick Avatar

    Very nice rifle! Question on the Rifle Dynamics Stock Adapter. Do you know what the weight is of this setup, with your Magpul CTR stock? Trying to compare this against something like the new Magpul MOE AK fixed stock.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It was slightly over 7 lbs if i remember this correctly…

  13. Matt Avatar

    Hi Rob..first off great work with all that you guys do! We all appreciate it and value your work. Ordering my union hat today!
    Quick question.
    What’s your thought on the SGL21? I can pick up a mint one for under $800 or should I hold out until Atlantic restocks the Dakm ? Its my first AK and I wanna to it right . Also its the newer non Arsenal
    I look forward to your input

  14. Matt Avatar

    Happy Halloween guys and remember in a zombie apocalypse nothin penetrates zombie heads better than 7.62×39

  15. Brandon Avatar

    Hey Rob, Love all of your info and testing, and passion for the AK. I also love your instructional videos, like the recent one on your kneeling position. I had a question about stocks. Now that the Magpul Zhukov is out and prevalent, which do you prefer, Zhukov or Rifle dynamics adapter with CTR? Do you know what the weight difference is between the two?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Zhukov easily wins. You can quickly modify it to what you need by using rip off cheek riser…that’s why we got them in store, because we totally switched to them:

  16. Derek Avatar

    Do you notice a difference in zero with the shorter barrel? does the rear leaf still regulate properly one zeroed?
    Thank you

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, it is different. You have less velocity, but it is no problem to reach out to 500yds.

  17. Brandon Avatar

    What is the best option for Bulgarian AR folding adapter? I have an slr107 and I was wondering if any had any suggestions.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with Jmac customs they have nice adapters.

  18. Scott Carpenter Avatar
    Scott Carpenter

    Hey Rob,

    I was looking at the DDI AK-74 rifle, and I was wondering, will all these parts fit on it? You gotta a nice setup, and I’m just looking to see what will fit and what won’t

    1. Scott Carpenter Avatar
      Scott Carpenter

      Also, how much now would a SGL31 cost?

      1. Rob Ski Avatar
        Rob Ski

        Around $1100 if i remember this correctly.

    2. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I have never seen DDI74, but i know that they use Bulgarian prats kits, so all should fit.

      1. Scott Carpenter Avatar
        Scott Carpenter

        Last question just to clear things up:

        So the DDI AK-74 WILL fit all these parts?

        Thank you for all responses.

  19. Josh Coder Avatar
    Josh Coder

    Will the Krebs UFM rail work on the C39V2 rifle?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, it will not.

      1. Josh Coder Avatar
        Josh Coder

        Will the Venom tactical front sight gas block work on the C39V2?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I have honestly no clue. It should, but better check with Century.

  20. Chase Avatar

    Hey Rob,

    I was thinking of using most of these parts for a SLR-104FR. Which of these parts will not work with it?


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Rails work, I know because I got them on my slr107. Dust cover needs some fitting, because rear post is too wide on Arsenal. Just little bit.

  21. Fornit Avatar

    Hello Rob,

    Are you still using this setup? Would you recommend using the sight/gasblock combo with a full length 16.5″ barrel?


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      My preferred setup is to cut barrel down to 14.5″ and get rid of the front post – use sights on rails.

  22. Sms Avatar

    Hi rob. Just got my first ak a russian made saiga m3 exp01 imported into south africa. Here it doesnt need conversion like Usa versions, already done. I see you rank them in best 6 so i am chuffed. Great site ak operators union. South africa fan. Sheriff shaun

  23. Thomas Avatar

    Hello rob,
    I’m looking to buy a 5.45 ak when I am able and was curious on what your thoughts of an slr104 vs a vepr vs a Saiga in terms of long term reliability and ease of getting replacement of parts (ideally not needing them in the first place but you never know; shit happens). Thank you

  24. Mike in SC Avatar
    Mike in SC

    Hey Rob, I see you’re using the full length top on the RS Regulate bottom mount. Does this allow you flexibility in trying different optics? I’m leaning towards the MRO, and wondering if you would mount it forward, or further to the rear?

  25. Dan Avatar

    Hey Rob, dig your videos. Wanted to know if your cheek riser will ever be available again for purchase? Thanks

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Negative, DB concealment isn’t making those anymore

  26. Luis Avatar

    Hi Rob! There’s any other railed handguard on the market that is compatible with ultimak gas tube?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, TDI Arms rail for vepr, magpul is compatible with ultimak and etc

  27. Nick Avatar

    How do you feel that the battlecomp you used with this rifle compares to the Venom Antidote?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Both aren’t worth money paid…

  28. Richard Price Avatar
    Richard Price

    Hi Robski, have you (or someone you know) had any experience with the Definitive Arms adjustable gas block? I’m looking to make my Norinco NHM (MAK) 90 more suppressor friendly as it’s very over-gassed when I attach it and I was wondering if you rated the DAGB for function, reliability and durability and if it’s a better choice than the KNS gas piston. Cheers.

  29. Charles Thomas Avatar
    Charles Thomas

    Hey Rob, In your picture the Venom Tactical Bolton gas block looks like it is pinned as well. Is it? Thanks

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, I have pinned it on after it get loose…

  30. Paul Adrianse Avatar
    Paul Adrianse


    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your videos and thank you for what you do. I have fallen in love with the genius and simplicity of AK platform and never looked back since!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Thanks for being with us!

  31. Richard Avatar

    If you had a choice between a WASR and a Romanian SAR 1 rifle. Which would you go with?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      SAR1 because it’s like collectible now.

  32. Adam Avatar

    Hey rob,
    I just bought an Egyptian maadi intrac ARM. I would like to figure out a way to attach a rail to the side to get my optic and therefore center of balance a little bit closer to me when shouldering. Do you recommend any side rails that won’t permanently change the receiver? Or should I just train and run it as is, with an optic forward an an ultimak Rail?

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