Ok, installation of ALG Defense AKT – E (enhanced) trigger was a breeze. Trigger has around 3.5 lbs pull (aux spring is in).
Reset is abut the same as on previous model.
Breaks smooooothly…I put it on my own build AK first – because i know that this rifle is very accurate. I want to see if i can squeeze even more out of it. When i will buy next AKT-E, i will put it on my 74 too, so we can compare it head to head and vs old ALG trigger.
3x ACSS Optic in picture is from our Annihilator set of course.
Cheese grater upper hadnguard is from Khyber Customs – check them out, those guys are awesome.
Short mag is from Bad-Element Company.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

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