AK Dust cover: TWS Gen3 hits the Union Farm and things go horribly wrong for the Union…

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AK Dust cover: TWS Gen3 hits the Union Farm and things go horribly wrong for the Union…
Mr. Ski,
That is bad news about the 47-74 camera. I sent you a small donation towards a new one. Keep the videos coming!
Active duty Army, so after 18 years I’ve had my share of the AR platform. Ran across one of your videos and took a shot on a RAS47. I HAVE THE BUG! I’m hitting pie plates at 225 with iron sites. Lots of fun and now I want an optic. Leaning towards a primary arms 1-6×24 or the 4x prism. i’don’t like to keep the optic under $300. Plus what would you recommend for the rail. so many options. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I’m actually selling one of my glocks to fund. I orederd a muzzle break from circle 10. This is totally your fault.
1-6x is awesome – watch video underneath: http://shop.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/Primary-Arms-1-6X24-SFP-Scope-with-ACSS-300BO-762X39-Reticle-Primary-Arms-1-6X24-SFP-Scope.htm
You can use it for extended range but also for CQB. But it is slightly heavier.
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