AK Dust cover: TWS Gen3 First Shot. Union 0 TWS 1.

AK Dust cover: TWS Gen3 hits the Union Farm and things go horribly wrong for the Union…

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3 responses to “AK Dust cover: TWS Gen3 First Shot. Union 0 TWS 1.”

  1. Bryan G Avatar
    Bryan G

    Mr. Ski,

    That is bad news about the 47-74 camera. I sent you a small donation towards a new one. Keep the videos coming!

  2. John Howard Avatar
    John Howard


    Active duty Army, so after 18 years I’ve had my share of the AR platform. Ran across one of your videos and took a shot on a RAS47. I HAVE THE BUG! I’m hitting pie plates at 225 with iron sites. Lots of fun and now I want an optic. Leaning towards a primary arms 1-6×24 or the 4x prism. i’don’t like to keep the optic under $300. Plus what would you recommend for the rail. so many options. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I’m actually selling one of my glocks to fund. I orederd a muzzle break from circle 10. This is totally your fault.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      1-6x is awesome – watch video underneath: http://shop.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/Primary-Arms-1-6X24-SFP-Scope-with-ACSS-300BO-762X39-Reticle-Primary-Arms-1-6X24-SFP-Scope.htm
      You can use it for extended range but also for CQB. But it is slightly heavier.

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