Daniel Defense AR15 2,500 Rds Later: Almost Died in my Arms…

Daniel Defense AR15 2,500 Rds Later: Almost Died in my Arms…

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2 responses to “Daniel Defense AR15 2,500 Rds Later: Almost Died in my Arms…”

  1. Marc Avatar

    Did you check any of the brass? I’ve had a primers fall out of rounds before and cause failures in ARs. I would think whatever is going on would have been with the lower entirely.

  2. Zdr Avatar

    “Almost died in my arms”, haha. Was like ohh no, what happened. All dd fans are watching with interest.

    Good point on primers. Seen primers floating around and cause havoc, within the lower and also where the bolt closes which prevents the locking lugs from seating.

    ‘Turn your rifle around and shake it all about’ is a valid malfunction clearing technique for a floating primer. Tough to id though…

    Good call on the blue loctite for the rail. Dd should handle that. They may after your test.

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