Guys, IÂ want to make few things clear. Our recent few videos sparked controversy about our “harsh and brutal” testing methods and etc. Often, criticism is that our tests are “completely unscientific, pure garbage and they hold no value whatsoever”.
Well, ok, IÂ will bite.
Yes, when rifle is drop into the water, sometimes water temperature is 35F, sometimes it is 75F. True, this isn’t your typical laboratory environment, but I don’t think you have to have weather app to tell you if you can use your rifle or not…if rifle will get dropped into the water, I fully expect that rifle to work after removing from the water…regardless of water temperature.
When drooping rifle on  concrete, sometimes rifles are dropped from slightly different heights – this is true. We do best we can to keep dropping them from the same level, but there are few inches differences from time to time. However, none of rifles is ever dropped from over 6′. I hate to say this, but I expect rifle to be fully operational after being dropped to concrete from up to 6’…including rails those rifles are equipped with, especially when those rails are used to set iron sights on them.
As for sand tornado test – yes, this is purely done for fun – IÂ said this numerous times, there is no way to control flow of sand, simply because of wind shifts. Now that being said, no rifle was ever dropped from 5k rds test because it performed poorly in sand tornado test…also, sand tornado test gives you some understanding on how much dirt specific rifle will tolerate in action before it stops…
Push ups and pull ups tests are done mainly to test integrity of magazine well and put stress on trunnions (for AKs).
But all those elements are just the icing on the cake. Main goal of 5k rds tests is to put “mileage” on the guns going through this test.
To see how all the rifle components are behaving and how they are tolerating (or not) extensive use in short time period.
This is data generated from the basic trigger pulling. No magic here. No other YouTube outfit, gives you info like this on weapons tested…
Now at least you can see what to expect from gun you are thinking about to buy. You can simply make better decision on what you should buy.
Just this year we went trough our RAS47 self destructing trunnion adventures, our Arsenal SLR107 bubbling finish problems (it prompted Arsenal to response and offer to refinish rifles experiencing this problem at no cost to users), my IO jammomatic, with self drifting from recoil front sights, cracks in my Zastava NPAP receiver and snapped extractor on DDI newest rifle…
I don’t know, but in my eyes, that’s some interesting feedback from so called “uneducated morons”, like some critics like to call us…

Ultimately it is up to you guys, viewers and subscribers to decide what you like to watch and read.
The moment, when majority of you will tell me, that what AK Operators Union is doing is pointless, will be the moment i will pull the plug on it. Game over.
Until then, we will continue to Rock the Boat of Gun World, so you at least have some different from “everything is awesome” point of view…
– Rob
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