BAD and GOOD – RAS47 Review – American made AK under the pressure!

RAS47_4We are kicking off 2015 season with review of Century Arms RAS47 – this is their stamped receiver version, modeled on AK rifles. Our testing has evolved for this season. Sand test is a setup for failure – EVERY rifle will fail. We just want to see how far every test subject can be take it with this. RAS47 best score was 3 rounds down the range. Now, drop test was different. We have redone this test to give it the rifle best shot and we had the same failure. Also, before going to drop test and “swim test”, we made sure that rifle was cycling…now, it is possible that sand was hidden somewhere in the receiver. But what you don’t see on video, is that RAS took swim test 3 times and all 3 times it caused a jam. Again, it was 100% operational before swim test. Swim test failures were: FTF (twice) and FTE.

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71 responses to “BAD and GOOD – RAS47 Review – American made AK under the pressure!”

  1. Rick Avatar

    Hi, nice reviews.
    In your opinion is this gun better or worse than the Yugo N-PAP?
    They are both similarly priced. I know that the Yugo has non-standard furniture.
    Just interested in which one you think is better over all quality.


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I would go with NPAP. NPAP isn’t prefect, but it is better than RAS47

      1. Rick Avatar

        OK great, thanks.

  2. Matt Avatar

    Cant believe it failed after a simple drop I wonder what’s goin on there

  3. Dalen Avatar

    Which AK side scope mounts work great with the RAS47? I’ve tried a couple but when installed properly and even tightened all the way down the rail that’s over the dust cover has side to side left to right wobble rendering my red dot useless. They slide on and off the receiver mount great just have wobble side to side making it impossible to zero my red dot or use it. Would really appreciate your expert opinion Rob. Great work keep it up! Thanks for your time.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      They should accept any mount on the market. I was using RS regulate without any problems…which mount you have?

      1. Dalen Avatar

        Thanks for reply! Was trying not to break the bank so tried $50 UTG Pro QD mount with cutout to still use iron sights with rail mounted. I’d like to get one with cutout to still use irons “just n case” I was about to order Midwest industries next but on reviews someone said it didn’t fit their RAS47 either same problem side to side movement. Next I’m thinking the SM-13 one or KV-04s?? Really appreciate your help Rob!!!

      2. Jake Avatar

        What lower would you use if mounting primary arms 1-6 scope?

        1. Jake Avatar

          Rs regulate lower that is!

      3. Jason D Jung Avatar
        Jason D Jung

        Hello I just got a Leapers UTG 5th gen rail mount for my RAS 47 and it will not go on the mount. It’s supposed to slide on and off easily so I’m. OT wanting to force it. Do you have any recommendations for a mount for a simple holo sight?? Any help is greatly appreciated.

        1. Jason D Jung Avatar
          Jason D Jung

          *Not wanting to force it.

        2. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I have zero experience with UPG mounts. Sorry.

    2. zach Avatar

      i thought it was the wrong mount too so i googled it n found your post. heres the thing n you prob already figured it out by now but you have to turn the crap out of that clamp n kinda turn the top too. just mess with it. but you can achieve such a tight grip on that dovetail that you need a screwdriver to pry it off. n you can get your dust cover off too, but not the entire assembly as far as ive seen at least. just did this like 2hrs ago n its my first ak. really happy with it, my buddy put some of that shooters tech grease in it n its super smooth n all… n the optic stays sturdy. hope you figure it out 🙂

  4. Devin Avatar

    Will the RAS 47 accept the polish tantal side folder stock or an under folder?

  5. James Avatar

    The sand test is an irrelevant comparison from AK to AK if you don’t have a standard of shots per second and equal volume of sand/dirt being introduced per second in each test. In some reviews I’ve seen more like 2-3 rounds per second and others more like 1 round per second with no actual way of determining the amount of dirt introduced into the reciever. Without a standard no real conclusion can be derived from this “test”.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      That’s why we are doing it more than once and get an average. This was already addressed:

  6. Ryan Avatar

    Hey Rob, you’ve been a big help since I picked up my RAS in August. Just wondering what number RS regulate mount you use (looking at their website now and there’s lots of options for different style mounts). I had the same problem with the UTG Pro and want to be sure before I order another one. Thanks!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      300 series mount and then it would depend on your optic. If you have micro dot, get their top designed for micro dots so it will sit nice and low.

  7. noah Avatar

    Can someone let me know if I made a good decision buying a NPAP. I wanted something economical yet reliable and I wanted wood furniture. My first and hopefully not my last AK as I love it, but kinda want some thoughts as I move on in my collection.

    any advice helps and I am just a gun ranger

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Well, i wasn’t lucky with NPAP, but hopefully yours will work nicely.

  8. Travis Avatar

    I’m new to the AK platform, and I just bought a RAS47. Unfortunately, I didn’t do as much research as I should have done before my purchase. I’ve since read/heard plenty about the unreliability of the cast trunnions. I’m looking for advice on what to do at this point now that I have the rifle.
    Is it worth trying to replace the parts? Sell it and get a WASR? Or just keep it, shoot it, and live with it?
    Thanks in advance for any input.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I would sell it and get OPAP or WASr. Or save it and get it Definitive Arms DAKM 4150N and be done with it.

      1. Martin Avatar

        Ridiculous, the ras will last for years don’t get sucked into the ak snob vacuum!!!! Great rifle for the price!
        8400 rds through mine with no hiccups, no changes in head space and no trunnion issues.
        I call bs on the union review, double bs.

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I call total BS on your post. At this point there are numerous RAS47 with damaged trunnions, bolts and bolt carriers. Independent hardness testing done by Mel64, showed that steel used on RAS, compared to regular AKs steel is simply inferior. Playdoh grade pot junk steel at the best.

        2. Aaron Ladew Avatar
          Aaron Ladew

          I’ve put 1700 rounds down range with my ras47… no cleaning, no problems (I’m stress testing it) the only thing that’s bothering me is heat. Gonna put polymer furniture on.

          1. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            We are having heat issues on C39V2A test now. That wood is just horrible and makes it really difficult to keep shooting it…

  9. barbarosa Avatar

    Get an Arsenal and get out and away from anything having to do with Century Arms. Arsenal will cost you a bit more but the rifle will outlast the purchaser. Don’t like the trigger? Pay $50 and get a 3.5lb drop in. Takes a good 15 minutes.
    As for scope mounts go to: they sell two. I HIGHLY recommend you get the more expensive of the two. It has a longer rail and like the Arsenal rifle that mount will outlast the buyer.
    K-Var also sells the Arsenal rifles but they can be found less expensive elsewhere like get your FFL holder to get the one of your choice from Bill Hicks and Company out of Minneapolis, MN

    1. OutlawGT Avatar

      No thanks. I’ll keep my RAS47. I just put grey Magpul MOE furniture on mine. I feel like it’s a quality rifle. My experience with mine just does not reflect what I see in the video. It performs flawlessly and accurately. I’m just a shooter and I half assed keep mine clean..

  10. Evelyn perez Avatar
    Evelyn perez

    You guys have great advice. I got the wasr 10 and love it. So far no issues.

  11. Jesse Avatar

    I’m looking for an AK to use in 3 gun matches and was drawn to the RAS because of the accuracy people seem to be getting out of it. But I’m less than enthusiastic about some of the other issues its having. Any suggestions on other rifles with similar accuracy below the 800 dollar mark?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You may want to check Polish AKM from Atlantic Firearms. It should be around or below 2 MOA.

      1. Jesse Avatar

        Thanks Rob, I was also looking at a ddi stamped rifle. I know it did so so on your accuracy test but other examples seem to shoot pretty well. On another note I bought a primary arms scope from your store and I have to say your shipping is really fast.

  12. Derrick McCann Avatar
    Derrick McCann

    The bad review is disheartening because every one I looked at in stores seemed well put together and I’m having a hard time finding a wasr that doesn’t have canted sights. Is fixing canted sights difficult?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      That depends. Small cant isn’t that bad…the problem is that for example barrel could be off center and they compensated for it…so sometimes it is impossible to fix canted sights.

  13. Brandon Avatar

    You guys really need to work on your so-called “tests.” 1. In your sand test you literally have the gun on its side, forcing the cartridge to be ejected up and out, most guns would fail to cycle properly in that position even without the sand. 2. You can clearly see that when you fired the rifle after dropping it, that sand was being blown out, as a result of you pouring sand down directly into the receiver (a situation that would never happen on the battlefield), which likely again caused a FTF.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      This is irrelevant now. We did 5000rds test on another new RAS47 – shooting only and it couldn’t even pass headspacing test at the end…

      1. Dennis Avatar

        THAT IS THE KIND OF COMMENT THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. I tell you, I have ALWAYS been burned by EVERY AK variant I have ever received from Century Arms. STAY AWAY. Save up, buy a milled Arsenal or a used stamped Arsenal or a used milled Arsenal……stick with the tried and proven chrome lined bore and chamber, we know NOTHING about these new “barrel treatments” other than they are a LOT less expensive when it comes to barrel price be it “nitride” “ceracoat”, whatever new barrel “treatment”, I would like to see it exceed the 45K+ round count I have gotten out of my aged SLR95 and it still runs like a clock. Replaced 2 firing pins as a preventive measure but the old chrome lined bore still looks as good as it did when I bought the gun USED about 2 decades ago!

  14. Joseph Thomas Avatar
    Joseph Thomas

    Im still fairly new to the AK platform, and i was planning on buying a ras47 as my second AK (until i read your reviews). My first one, ive had for a while now, is a Yugo M70ab2. (The orginal yugos, not the cheap remakes from serbia) and its an absolute beast. My issue with it is that its an underfolder, so i was limited in what handguard i could put on it so the stock was still functional. Id like an AK that will accept standard handguard and have a fixed stock. Seeing how the ras47 is a no go, you you recomend a wasr? Or maybe something else?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, WASR is very cool starter AK.

      1. Dennis Avatar

        I might go with Century’s RH10. Pretty much the same thing as the WASR except for the crappy rear sight on the RH10. A cheap and easy fix for that is to just remove the rear sight and replace it with a Williams adjustable peep for your iron sights. Both the WASR and the RH10 don’t have the Century Arms only scope mount and both have chrome lined bores, a must for me probably because I am not only old school but also just plain getting old. Havent bought into the “metal treatment” ideas like Melonite or Nitride or what have you. I did purchase a PSAK47 to see how long it will take me to burn out its Melonite treated barrel just to see if I am wrong about my chrome lined only beliefs. Maybe an old dog can be taught new tricks. Time and ammo will tell!
        Oh, and thanks for all the awesome videos Rob, all the time and effort you put into all that is greatly appreciated sir!

  15. Joe Avatar

    I was going to buy a Ras-47 as my 2nd AK. Already have a Wasr, which runs flawlessly, and had a Saiga 223, which i sold for an AR.

    Since I already have a Wasr-10, what would you consider to be a good 2nd AK, or food idea to buy a 2nd Wasr and maybe get different furniture? Just looking for ideas. My Wasr is wood furniture. For a rifle I paid $400 new for at Knob Creek Range years ago, it has run flawlessly, through my own sand tests, etc. Thanks in advance.

  16. dan k Avatar
    dan k

    c39 v2 or a ras-47? I watched both of your reviews leaning towards the c39 v2 but you said you liked the barrel better in the ras. Also I see they included the scope mount for 100 extra. Love the videos?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      None, just buy Vepr from Kvar

      1. Dennis Avatar

        Rob Ski is right, the Molot Vepr is one awesome AK. One negative about the Vepr is if you are over 5’4″ and need a longer buttstock of some kind, getting the factory intalled Warsaw Pact length stock off is a BITCH! The rifles are superb and the folding stock version gives you about 2″ longer LOP….but you sure pay for that folding stock and its 2″. Robs store sells an awesome fix if you want to go the adjustable AR type stock route.
        In other words, if Rob says it, count on it being right. The man knows AK’s.

  17. Jack ack ack Avatar
    Jack ack ack

    Rob Ski! I love your work.
    I have a Saiga .308, but i want an ak in the original caliber. I’m really wanting the feg reciever as I have heard some good things about the amd 63. IIsthe vepr that much better than the hungarian?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, i will take Vepr over Hungarian AK all day long.

  18. Christoph the German Avatar
    Christoph the German

    Love the videos. I don’t have much money to spend but I put a pretty penny into the RAS47. I fired only 300+ rounds and checked all the affected areas people have had problems with. I also have a no go gauge on the way. Unfortunately I did not do much research on Century AK’s. Years ago I had a Romanian WASR with bent front sight and the notorious magwell problems….cost me 300 and I got rid of it because I needed money. Anyway I would like to get rid of tge RAS48 and give WASR another try or something preferably under 800 bucks. No one sells anything but Century Arms AK’s around here and buying online is a no go because I want to eyeball the hell out of it. I live north of Peoria IL….do you know of any shops that sell them in Illinois? May be a longshot but it never hurts to ask….kinda feel sorry for my AK like it’s a redheaded stepchild being thrown out.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Look into Arsenal SLR107R – fixed stock, for $849…

      1. Dennis Avatar

        Just ordered one for a customer and got to test it out on my rigged up range behind my VERY modest store. The SLR107R is one VERY high quality AK but for just a bit more you can get the Molot Vepr. Both are superb AK’s though and will probably outlast its buyer.
        Im just a milled AK junkie though and have been since before Clinton made the importers stick those butt ugly thumbhole stocks on those marvelous Bulgarian milled AK’s with those state of the art barrels. Still have one that I still run Wolf ammo through. I have a much older Polytech Legend that I have retired to my safe as its getting to be worth too much to shoot very often though I occasionally still heat up its gas tube from time to time. Man, I love AK’s!

      2. Dustin Avatar

        Rob I’ve had a ras47 for 3 years several thousands of rounds down range and all ways give it a good cleaning and lube job and I have never had a problem with it the only thing is 3 misfires with very cheap ammo

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I believe you. Really do. But i also have tons of emails and pictures from other users who are experiencing nothing but problems with their RAS47s…some of them simply exploded…

          1. NJCOP Avatar

            BS or as Dr. Evil would say, “Riiiiight”

            THIS is as bad as Perfect Union were people try to justify a Mini 14 over an AK or AR. IF THE GUN WAS BLOWING UP THEY WOULD HAVE TO PULL IT OFF THE MARKET. It’s not a bad gun for the price and it works just fine.

          2. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            We posted numerous examples when it blow up…

  19. Steve Avatar

    Hi Rob, I enjoy your reviews. Unfortunately too late as I picked up the RAS-47.
    My question is can I replace the bolt and carrier with a steel forged one and continue to enjoy it … or dump the RAS-47 altogether?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Steve, you would have to check head spacing after change of bolt. There is no guarantee it would work…you are better off moving to something else in my opinion…

  20. Jeff Cook Avatar
    Jeff Cook

    Rob, I have owned and been steadily shooting my RAS47 for about a year; I bought it in 2016. Fortunately, I have not had any of the issues you described. I am wondering if you have heard if CIA improved the production quality of the weapon since you wrote your review? Or did I just get lucky? Thank you in advance for your reply.


    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Jeff, it is a crap shoot on their part with QC…

  21. Gary Avatar

    Have reported problems w latest Production Runs of RAS47 (SNs 50,000 76,000) continued..? Or have the reports of problems subsided..? I hear the heat treating process of cast parts in question has been improved on later production runs.. what have you heard about any improvements made since your reviews..? Theres a lot of negative talk about RAS47 out there.. Most of it referencing your vids.. Theres a lot of RAS47s out there.. Surely you have heard something regarding improvments or not..

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      From my understanding, only change implemented on new RAS47 is addition of their own, propitiatory side rail. But it’s not like they (century) shares any info with me…lol

  22. Hector Avatar

    Here are my hits. The RAS47 has design problems, begining, with weak metal. The bolt and carrier group, shows early signs of wear, in as early as 350-500 rds. Metal starts degrading, rounding off and chipping, just a little, due to use but a WASR-10 would never be in such condition. The piston also shows early signs of markings on the head. So, eventually, the RAS is going to need an overhaul of the entire bolt carrier group & piston. The metal is just weak. Also, the barrel is out of specs. It has less rifling and it is differently sized, American made.

    The PMAG’s are junk but they work for now. I’m already seeing rounding & gashes into the plastic; eventually, the tabs will round off & fail. The entire mag will need replacing long term. Also, the front sight post is slanted, not level, maybe a-little canting as well. So, it has basic sights problems. The RAS47 is not a real AK, it is American made, with U.S metal. Even the rail is out of specs. The inside of the stocks were not cleaned-up after production & wood shavings all over the place.

    Do I think it is just as good, as European clones? No way, it is the worst made AK in the entire world, by country. It is an out of spec AK for everything.

  23. SubclavianRabbit Avatar

    Any word on the quality or changes of the RAS47 pistol (other than just being shorter, lol)? Only things I’ve seen seen to be low-round, low-stress reviews, or reviewers who seem to be in Century’s pocket. People are assuming it’s just more of the same, but in a smaller package, but I have yet to see any actual comparisons or tests done (though I understand the reluctance to do them!) Just curious. Stay safe, happy shooting, and Rob, keep up the excellent work that you do!

  24. Tony Avatar

    WHICH SIDE MOUNT WILL FIGHT..ive already ordered 2 of the wrong ones..can someone point me in the right direction please!

    1. Tony Avatar
    2. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Email me what you need and what you have (pics of side rail). email:

      1. Tony Avatar

        that email did not work i have the RAS47 which mount do i need

        1. Tony Avatar

          check your mail again, i just sent photos i think it went threw

          1. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            Got it. Reply was mailed to you!

  25. Greg horne Avatar
    Greg horne

    I just bought a new ras47 3/5/18 based on several gun magazine reviews I read on the internet. Now that I’ve watched your videos, I’m very worried. My serial number is 043353 but I can’t find a x mark on the bolt or carrier anywhere. I have not fired this riffle. In your opinion , would you sell, or bitch at century for upgraded parts? I’m sick over this purchase!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I would just get another rifle man…

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