More troubles for Arsenal SLR 107 FR

On Friday we broke news about Arsenal SLR107 FR serious finish and rust problems. Images posted by us, cause shit storm on the net and many (again) were doubting legitimacy of our claims…
Some were inspired to test on their own SLR rifles, if what i told you and show you was really true…like this guy:

His rifle is also with XM55 prefix in serial number – just like mine. As you can see with your own eyes, he has encountered exactly the same problems after rapidly shooting only few mags…

This isn’t isolated problem anymore. So i have few questions for Arsenal, Inc. :

1. Did you know about this substandard finish problem before we posted pictures?
2. Is SLR107 only series affected by this?
3. Is this issue limited to XM prefix only?
4. What is your plan to correct this problem?

Since i know that Arsenal is checking this page, i hope they will take a time to reply to those questions. Thank you.

Picture from “Ahmad Aboukar” YouTube video.


26 responses to “More troubles for Arsenal SLR 107 FR”

  1. E. Train Avatar
    E. Train

    Glad to see it verified by one of us “independent” and “non-shill” shooters!

  2. Derek Avatar

    Same exact thing happend to mine. I took it to the range after it sitting in my safe for about a year and after 200 rounds the paint was soft. I diddnt notice until I realized every time I put it down it was rubbing on my shooting mat and smearing paint off the barrel.

  3. Derek Avatar

    Sorry, one more thing. I diddnt even do any mag dumps. I was shooting for groups at 200 yards!

  4. scottyb Avatar

    It looks like a 92 Chevy pickup!

  5. Dustin Avatar

    Bubble paint aaaahhhh!!! ROB I am dying to see this video….haha the last few were epic….keep them coming… I am a Arsenal guy so watching this hurts a little haha but is a great video…. Keep them comming we need a vepr video also and a Krebs… My Krebs 107 is my baby…. Thanks I’ll keep watching the blog bet it will be good….

  6. Austin Frazier Avatar
    Austin Frazier

    Just got a new slr 107 about a month ago.
    It is stamped XM55 and not showing any paint bubbles or any unusual finish issues. I have run it pretty hot too

  7. Brian Avatar

    I had that happen to my slr 107cr after I cleaned it with gun scrubber. Its a well known issue in the arsenal community. Its just paint over parkerize. You can either clean it with something easy on paint like clp or do like I do and refinish it.

    1. E. Train Avatar
      E. Train

      I have heard of how poor the “Paint over Park” finish can be; however, this is the first time there has been video evidence of it by a reputable entity in the community (Yes, I dare to label Rob and Paul as Reputable). One top of the paint issue is rust around the Gas Block. For the Arsenal price-tag, it is kind of a “Dick-punch” for this to happen.

      That said, how is the reliability and accuracy?

  8. Wayne Avatar

    I purchased a American Tactical milled underfolder 700 tax and all one hundred percent good rifle extremely heavy duty military grade weapons candied less than 5 degrees great rifle easy fix couldn’t find an older model M70

  9. Ben Avatar

    Has Arsenal responded to your questions? I bought an SLR107 prob 2 years ago and haven’t noticed any signs of excessive wear, but I’ll definitely keep an eye on it. I would feel a lot better about all of this if I knew Arsenal was “making it right” for those experiencing this issue.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      They said that they will look in to those problems case by case…

  10. stan Avatar

    I parkerized mine and coated it with molybdenum resin. Very durable

  11. Richard Feagin Avatar

    I have an slr 107 xm55 serial# over 1000 rds shooting the hell out of it….
    No problems with the finish.

  12. Scott Avatar

    Mine won’t fit mags…stock won’t stay folded during rapid fire…I’m an ex operator if I had to take this rifle into battle ID die based on may changes alone…paid top price for this pos!!!

    1. Scott Avatar

      Mag reload sucks

      1. Steven Thompson Avatar
        Steven Thompson

        I’ve had mine since 2014 and I’ve never been impressed with the quality either. My front sight tower is not at 12oclock, it’s off to the left. But long it hits where you aim it’s considered good to go. I dont give a damn what people claim about these “top of the line” AKM’s, for a $1000 bucks I was expecting quality work. My Hungarian DDI has better quality….

  13. Dennis Matt Avatar
    Dennis Matt

    I would like to know if Arsenal addressed the finish issue or not as I see that AIM for one has the Arsenal 107 on sale for a better than previous price and since I have had GREAT luck with other Arsenal AK’s I would like to add the 107 as well but not if I have to have it refinished.
    I have a number of milled Arsenal AK’s and have had NO problems whatsoever with them and I have a stamped Izmash receiver Arsenal AK47 I bought new a few years back and it has held up VERY well and with its ultra light adjusted Red Star trigger is probably my most accurate AK and it certainly has had no finish or any other problems. Really bummed that Arsenal seems to have screwed up at least initially with the 107 and would sure like to know if they have fixed the problem (and would like someone I trust, like Rob tell me instead of Arsenal or even MSR or FIME). If I do get the rifle I will first have to remove that built for a midget Warsaw length buttstock!!

  14. Steve Geiss Avatar
    Steve Geiss

    I have an slr95mb and the paint is fine so Arsenal must have changed their coating sometime after that. I love packetized finishes and why would anyone paint parts where they mate up with each other anyway. I can understand some places but not on mating parts. I used paint and epoxy remover with a brass wire brush and finished up with a scrubby pad/tooth brushcottin swabs with goof off. I did this on the whole rifle and now I have an AK with a nice parkerized finish and smooth moving parts.

  15. Steve Geiss Avatar
    Steve Geiss

    oops…cotton swabs… spelling

  16. Woody Avatar

    Hey Rob, I’m curious: since Shot Show (or at SS off camera) did they address these issues? Also what about the production of the SLR-104 ceasing…did the 107 stop production as well? If so I guess I’ll wait for Palmetto’s alleged CHF barreled PSAK.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      They said that they will repair any “bubbling ones” and they did (at least that’s what i heard from few members who went through the process).
      Their imports are extremely limited now, since Arsenal Bulgaria isn’t focusing on US market…

  17. Dennis Matt Avatar
    Dennis Matt

    I see that K-Var has some SLR107R AK’s available here just before Christmas, verifying Rob Ski’s telling of it on his weekly live streaming video. I wonder if Arsenal ever addressed the problems with the finish especially around the gas block and if this is still a problem with this rifle. I own one but would consider a purchase of another (I refinished my first one with an epoxy spray “appliance” paint that Krylon sells, that paint is not only inexpensive but is dries hard and is virtually scratch proof…….a poor mans ceracoat. Anyway, I really would like any info on whether Arsenal addressed the paint/rust problem or not. It is good to see that K-Var is selling these rifles at the “old” price. It is a sweet price for what might be the finest commercial stamped AK once again commerically available. ANYTHING BUT ANYTHING FROM CENTURY ARMS!!!

  18. Dennis Matt Avatar
    Dennis Matt

    Finally broke down and bought an SLR107R and immediately coated it with an epoxy type appliance paint that Krylon sells. After allowing for a good “cure” and installing a grown ups length MagPul adjustable buttstock I immediately starting doing drum dumps with no problems other than having to wear a glove on my left hand.
    The “appliance” spray finish is a good way to get a REALLY durable finish while avoiding having to visit your gunsmith. The stuff is hard enough that the safety lever makes NO marks on the receiver. I guess time alone will tell if I get any rust problems around the gas port but so far after burning through almost a case and a half of Wolf HP there are no issues and I have yet to have even a single hiccup. So far so good and at just under $850 I consider the purchase to be a very good deal (oh, didnt include the $59 I laid out for the buttstock). I have a K-Var railed fore end that I am thinking of installing but may just stick with a MagPul AKM fore end as if I make it too easy to add crap to the front of my AK’s I end up with a very fore end heavy rifle. Great rifle for me so far.

  19. Dustin G Avatar

    Wow this is interesting due to the high praise by many who have told others to purchase Arsenal. Just goes to show that not all rifles are created equal, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING these days is hit or miss. If this is the worst that can happen, the rest of the gun should be ok right???? I mean the finish isnt that important. Unless you live in parts of the US that moist climates where rust thrives. But i digress. C39v2 seems to have a decent finish. Just saying…

  20. Jason Avatar

    I purchased a 107FR Xm55 with the 4.5mm triangle folder locally used and the finish other than standard range scars was good … Then on labor Day I took it to a private range and put close to 1000rds through it with Zero finish issues no bubbling (30rd mag dumps as Well) so I’m not sure maybe the mix was right on mine… I’m grateful for that other than that finish scare this rifle is amazing!

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