“Alpha” prototype of key mod rail system for AK rifles.

This is joint project between brilliant Sven from Manticore Arms and AK Operators Union. We have been very busy working on this together with Dima, but finally we can show some fruits of our hard work. This lower rail will work with any standard AK upper hand guard, Ultimak or Troy Industries railed gas tubes. So you will be free to mix and match whatever you want with this rail. Our upper hand guard will be optional. However, the upper hand guard will offer co-witness option when in use with Aimpoint Micro type red dots (that’s going to be done for Beta Prototype). Another piece of this system is mount for optics placed behind the rear sight. This rear rail sits very low, just slightly above the dust cover (this is going to be separate mount option). Rail will be made from out of military grade aluminium.
Availability: Fall.
Price: Unknown at this point, but we will try to keep it as affordable as possible, but without compromising quality.
Big thanks to Sven and Manticore Arms – this wouldn’t be possible without him.
“Alpha” prototype of key mod rail system for AK rifles in pictures below.

– Rob Ski

31 responses to ““Alpha” prototype of key mod rail system for AK rifles.”

  1. James Avatar

    I need that lower hand guard now!

  2. French Avatar

    Will the hand guard allow the cleaning rod to be installed? Looking good btw!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes! Cleaning rod could be installed with it.

      1. French Avatar

        Sweet! Now hurry up!! I need one or three!!!

  3. Byron Avatar

    This is exactly what I have been looking for! Can’t wait to get one!

  4. Mickey Avatar

    Please tell me there are plans to make these for the Zastava M92!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes. We would like to have these covered as well. But baby steps, baby steps first…;-)

  5. adam Avatar

    Count me as one more vote for an m92 variant. The MI key mod is expensive and has to come with the upper portion. I’d love to match this manticore/AKOUL lower with an ultimak gastube for my yugo SBR.

  6. doug Avatar

    Whats the weight gonna be for this rail and will it fit milled ak47

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Weight will be slightly more than original hand guard with heat shield. We will have milled variant for sure.

  7. Byron Avatar

    Any updates on this? How about a video to show it off? I really need this on my rifle. 🙂

  8. dirtymike Avatar

    Mlok version as well?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, Mlock version will be made too.

  9. Byron Avatar

    Is there a release date yet?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It is in production now…

  10. French Avatar

    This would look great under the tree on Christmas morning! Any updates on production Rob?

  11. Israel Avatar

    Will the rail allow for cowitness with trijicon rmr? If not, do you know of any mount options other than Midwest Industries that will?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I haven’t tested RMR…sorry.

  12. Jason Avatar

    Will this fit on a c39?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      HI Jason, sorry, no it will not fit…

    2. Jason Avatar

      Will this fit on the c39v2?

      1. Rob Ski Avatar
        Rob Ski

        No, it will not fit C39V2

  13. Zachary Warner Avatar
    Zachary Warner

    Would love to see a longer version. Kind of like the Troy short that accepts an ultimak. Kind of like the new slr rifles new keymod rail. You should Def do a review on that and Sabre werks rear sight assembly for mounting optics. Been very curious about both there aren’t any written reviews anywhere.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I’m using Sabrewerks and it works very well.

  14. Andrew Avatar

    Where do I find this good sir?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with manticore

  15. Michael Avatar

    I’ve put stubby rails like this on a few ak’s over the years, far before the I heard of the alpha. This falls short of a alpha clone and imho isn’t truly worthy of the name until it looks more like it. It may run like one but to be an alpha the ergonomics need to be updated then I’m interested.

  16. Sean Avatar

    Will this handguard fit DDI’s Hungarian AK?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski


      1. Sean Avatar

        Is there anything I can do to make it fit? I have DDI’s AKM with Hungarian internals. The furniture that’s on there now looks standard. Is it something with the receiver? I also thought I saw it on the DDI in one of your videos.

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          A lot of machining and it would compromise structure of the rail. Not recommended.

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