AK74 by Lee Armory: 1000rds Later!
Paul is Back!
Shocking End!

Hey Rob, just watched the video great job. You like the break they use or would you use a different muzzle brake on ak74 rifle, thanks.
I love this brake, i know it for a long time: http://shop.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/Fighter-24-Muzzle-Brake-Fighter-24-Muzzle-Brake.htm
hilarious trick with the GO/NOGO gauge. i laughed out loud
Hi Rob
How do you like the Holosun red dots?
I like it a lot. This is great red dot for the money paid.
If you guys have any questions feel free to email sales@leearmory.com
Hey Rob, I’m sure you have been asked this 1000 times but is there any advantage of a ak74 from arsenal or vepr vs one built by a quality builder? Maybe a American chrome lined barrel won’t last as long as a combloc chf barrel? I’m asking because you have/had experience with both. Thanks in advance.
From my experience, Vepr has better quality than Arsenal. Now, you can get very nicely put together AK 74s in USA, but it will cost you around $1k…
Thanks Rob
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