Arsenal: Shot Show 2017!
Info about new SLR107-11 with fixed stock, Imports situation for side folding SLR107, Molot imports, RPK and more!

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Arsenal: Shot Show 2017!
Info about new SLR107-11 with fixed stock, Imports situation for side folding SLR107, Molot imports, RPK and more!
With the price point being this low do you think I could trust that the problems encountered in the 5000 rounds video are fixed, like the paint peeling and the sights being canted?
Did you listen to the video? They are not going to change paint on their rifles. Period.
Yeah I see that, I’ll probably just rattle can it, great price point though, can’t wait for them to ship
The paint bubbling wasn’t likely caused by the paint itself, unless it wasn’t fully cured. I worked for a small aerospace company that did material testing. One of the things we tested for was outgassing. The slightest amount of grease, oil or a rust preservative like cosmoline, under the paint, will burn and give off gases that will cause the paint to bubble. Most likely the barrels still had a trace amount of a rust preventative remaining on the barrel when painted, and that caused the bubbling. Changing the paint wouldn’t cure the problem, better prep would.
The potential for canted sights will never go away from eastern military firearms factories. That kind of precision is an American consumer expectation. I think there are acceptable degrees of canting that are within military tolerances and if the rifles zero’s then it is fine and out the door it goes. That is the nature of the AK. I don’t think they share the same sentiments on laser straight parts that we do. It’s annoying for us in the states in the private sector but that doesn’t matter to the Russian military and that is what these rifles are built around…Russian military standards. Personal inspection before buying is the key to purchasing an AK to decide how much canting we can live with. That paint is another story though. I bought one Arsenal, everyone should own one, but I won’t buy another.
I dont know if I should get the FMak47 11 or wait for the arsenal that will be $850 or even wait for Kalashnikov to start to make theres
If you want simple AK, get SLR107-11!
The 107 with a fixed stock is the rifle ive always wanted. Now we got Trump in office and the falcons playing to go to the superbowl. Life is good. I cant wait to see this rifle go through the grinder.
Did you see other manufacturers dropping their prices as well?
I’m in the market for an AK, but should I hold off for price drops?
I would wait…
Rob, I know you indicated you are planning to run the new Arsenal fixed stock model through the 5,000-round test. Are you planning to run the 5.45 VEPR FM-AK74-11 through the 5,000-round test?
I’m not arguing you should, as you’re already doing the SLR-104, and honestly, with the 7.62 VEPR passing as excellently as it did, the 5.45 version will be just as good, especially given that it is a slightly beefier rifle (same barrel diameter, but smaller bore).
Love everything you do. You are truly one of the most valuable members of the AK community, and do so much for we consumers.
Vepr 74 maybe later this year…
I want the 107-11 is K-var the only places to get them. Should I hurry and order one will the run out of stock
These will be in other stores too. But Kvar will be the first one.
Is the new fixed stock 107 worth the extra money over the WASR and if so why?
You will have more resale value from it for sure.
I’m after another VEPR for sure. I’ll be going for the Legion USA folder in 7.62 beats the hell out of a arsenal at the 900 price point especially considering the VEPR is well over built and I love the SVD style tube stocks for sure.
a zhukov stock can be use on this rifle? sorry if is a ignorant comment, i just want a folding version
On the New Slr 107-11 can i use a Zhukov stock on it?
Thx Rob!! next week i will buy it , if you know a better option for a folding stock.. name it!
I have been looking for a 107-11 for sometime woth no luck. Not for $845.
Are there going to be any new shipment coming in 2017?
Yes, they are still coming in. Keep an eye on Atlantic Firearms.
Kvar scammed me so hard. I bought an Arsenal SLR107R from them new. When I finally get it delivered to me I notice the internal components were rusted. They refused me a return because their policy is all sales are final even though I sent them a video right after I got it, I did shoot it twice before I realized this but I clean it with CLP and oiled it with Remington wipes afterwards, and I store it in a ventilated climate control container. I’ve never had this issue with any of my other guns. K var do you always sell your transfer guns rusted? Great, now I have a $1200 hunk of rusted metal. Thanks K var! Maybe you should check your guns for quality control before you sell them to people, or maybe you knew it was rusted and just wanted to get rid of it with the next naïve customer? BUYERS BEWARE!…
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