Zastava AK47 NPAP 4000rds later! Some parts are missing now…

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Robski, besides just passing the tests, what is your personal opinion of the npap? With the wood replaced, at this point, do you consider it to be a solid ak?
C39v2 or npap? Trying to decide which one to get rid of because I picked up a vepr ak.
Keep em all man. Those rifles are better than money.
If you are definitely going to get rid of one, the C39v2, would be the consensus of many.
How about Vepr from kvar?
I have the m92 pap. Great gun. I am looking fo best folder to put on it without going sbr. Do you have any opinions on the stormwerkz vs. Cnc warrior mechanisms? Second what about sighting in this one as it has 200 and 400 flip rear sights? Yours is probably the most informative sight for practical ak info.
HELP… Yugo npap problem. …HELP
please tell me if this is normal. ….
When the dust cover is removed, so that the travel of the hammer can be seen, and I release the hammer, it scrapes the bottom of the recoil spring.
I tried a longer spring (from my 63Dmilled), but it still makes contact.
Does anyone have any ideas, please.
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