Palmetto State Armory AK47 – PSAK47 Gen 2: 4000rds later!

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2 responses to “Palmetto State Armory AK47 – PSAK47 Gen 2: 4000rds later!”

  1. Ethan Avatar

    Awesome to see the PSA holding up. The wear around the firing pin and rear trunnion is unnerving. Would the rear of the firing pin striking the trunnion be the cause of the damage there? It can’t be the BCG-tail because it rides higher I thought?

  2. Toombstone10mm Avatar

    Did you ever find out what was causing the marks on the rear trunions on the psak gen 2 model. Bad recoil spring maybe? It might not be slowing the action down enough. Would that cause it? I haven’t heard any updates, or saw any comments on that matter. I think Ethan is right can’t be the BCG tail. That rides higher and the recoil spring is cut out, so it slips inside it in the rear. Must be the firing pin, but why? Might be the trigger spring not holding enough tension on the bolt when the BCG is in the rear position during recoil. It feels like there is tension on the bolt when the BCG is in the rear position. There may not be enough tension on the rifles bolt and the recoil reward is letting it slip too far rearward and bounce off the rear trunion. Just a thought. I’ve got high hopes for the PSAK gen 2.

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