AK Cheese Grater upper handguard arrived! Very nicely made product by guys from Khyber Customs– click on their name to go to their page and ask for info.
Scope is PA ACSS 1-6x for 7.62×39 (link below) on American Defense MFG scout mount with RS Regulate 303 base + AKR upper.
Magazine, shorty from Bad-Element Co. LLC .
Stock, modified Magpul Zhukov + Magpul AK Grip with tennis rocket tape wrap (ha!).
Rifle, good old trusty Definitive Arms LLC DAKM 4150N with Fighter brake.
Rifle total weight: 8lbs 10oz (which is not that bad with scope setup).
I’m posting links below if someone would like to make similar setup.
Links; scope: http://
RS Regulate mount: http://
Magpul AK grip: http://
Zhukov: http://
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