AK47 (AKM) Fighter Brake

AK47 (AKM) Fighter Brake is in! This is one, cool little bastard!

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19 responses to “AK47 (AKM) Fighter Brake”

  1. Adam Schmidt Avatar
    Adam Schmidt

    Ah shoot. I just ordered a Lantac Drakon last night! (15/11/18) Wish I saw this video this morning. Cool review!

  2. brian Avatar

    Can you mount a bayo?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, i just checked.

  3. Wrench Avatar

    Sweet was just looking at brakes for my PAP. This should go great with the ALG trigger I ordered a couple days ago.

  4. Ethan Avatar

    Yo Rob, how would you compare this to the DTK-2?

  5. Connor Avatar

    Hey Rob, was wondering how the side blast is on this thing. One of my main concern with buying a muzzle brake is the increased blast. So where’s the hat test!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It is there, but it is not bad at all

  6. Troy Avatar

    Your shop is sold out. Who makes these? I would like to order one.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Definitive Arms makes these, we should have more in store soon…

  7. Scott dyer Avatar
    Scott dyer

    What’s a good ak to get. I’ve watched all your videos I was leaning towards a DDI. Looked at a npap but the gun did not last in your review. This would be my first ak thanks

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      When on budget, thinking about loosing your AK virginity, start with Wasr10 whore.
      When you are more in to Plus size chicks, checkout Vepr.
      When you have to have import bride and cost isn’t issue, give Arsenal SLR104 some credit card love.
      When you are a risk taker and have to have US slutty girlfriend, check out PSAK47 Gen2.
      When you want to have sexy Polish Milf, find DAKM 4150N from Definitive Arms.
      Bonus: When you want to bang unwanted bastard chick in the family, look for Serbian OPAP.

  8. Micah Hawkins Avatar
    Micah Hawkins

    Rob, sorry to bug you, but there’s a video of yours referenced in a product review & I can’t seem to track it down. In the Store, in the Buyer Reviews for the DA Fighter Brake, one buyer advises people to look up your video on timing the brake so it fits with no wobble. Search as I may, I can’t find such a video. Could you or somebody else who reads this kindly give me a link to it?

    1. Tim N Avatar
      Tim N

      “How to remove wobble from AK muzzle brake”
      Found it for you.

      1. Heath Napier Avatar
        Heath Napier

        Or you could just get a crush washer

        1. Micah Hawkins Avatar
          Micah Hawkins

          Many thanks, both of you.

          1. Micah Hawkins Avatar
            Micah Hawkins

            Feel like a dumb__s for not including the word ‘wobble’ in my search. That would have done it.

          2. Tim N Avatar
            Tim N

            Your welcome,
            Just don’t feel dumb. 🙂

          3. Nathaniel Hamlin Avatar
            Nathaniel Hamlin

            Hey,man,I can beat that.
            I watched the video.Folowed the instructions…twice.
            Detent pin is (slightly) under sized.
            All the file work on earth won’t fix that shit. 🙂

  9. Micah Hawkins Avatar
    Micah Hawkins

    Bugging you again, Rob. No, not a Fanboy, just dig the Union & the good work you do. I notice you use a BD2 about as often as a Fighter. Which would you recommend to someone who didn’t mind the difference in price?

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