Century C39V2 No BS Review! Is it Epic Fail or Working Gun?

We are using Century C39V2 since last December. At this point we are pushing on it almost 3K rounds count and rifle is still in one piece (wooohooo!). C39V2 is huge step forward when compared to his V1 predecessor. Finish is much better, fitment of parts looks better and overall “feel” quality is better than on V1. Without a hesitation, we can honestly say, that V2 is improvement over V1. Still, we would like to see more changes to it…here is our Century C39V2 No BS Review! Is it Epic Fail or Working Gun? Watch video below and please let us know what you think.

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21 responses to “Century C39V2 No BS Review! Is it Epic Fail or Working Gun?”

  1. Jon Avatar

    Great video. Looks like it is good to go. So which do you prefer the c39v2 or the NPAP?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      NPAP. Closer to original AK…;-)

      1. Derrick Sylva Avatar
        Derrick Sylva

        After your N-PAP test (RIP N-PAP), do you still recommend the N-PAP over the C39v2?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Derrick, results from NPAP were shocking…i have honestly no words for this…still, i think that at least OPAP should be better rifle…

  2. Travis Avatar

    Will the TWS dog leg fit the C39v2?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes it will!

  3. Greg Adams Avatar
    Greg Adams

    I have had the C39v2 for about a month now, and while I have not felt the need to beat it like Rob did, I have put it through some paces at the range. No failures of any kind, excellent workmanship, and pretty accurate. I do not care about authentic appearance (cleaning rod, baynet lug) anymore than I want my ARs to look like the A1s I was issued back in the day. I bought it because it was a reasonably priced AK with some nice updates. I will be wailing on it in the coming months, but I expect it to be OK.

  4. Patrick Avatar

    Great stuff as always Rob. How’s the bolt and bolt carrier holding up on it? And how many rounds through it now? My C39V2 only has 250 rounds and no problems so far, but I fear I should go ahead and get a replacement bolt carrier and bolt in case the metal starts mushrooming like some people have experienced…

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I have no idea, because these rifles went back to Century last year.

  5. Randy Jennie Avatar

    Got to take my C39 out to the range today.
    Ran a handfull of different mags thru it,without an issue.
    But I tell you what really impressed me was the trigger.
    It was really smooth and easy to double tap with.
    I’m just a paper puncher,and though it’s got a ways to go in being dialed
    I’m really am happy with this.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Good to hear!

  6. Quinn Avatar

    What M4 adapter do you have on the C39V2 in the video? Im having a hard time tracking down one that works on a milled receiver.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      That was RD adapter

  7. Chris Avatar

    Would you recommend this over the WASR at about the same price point?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No. Wasr10 is better rifle.

      1. MICHAEL Avatar


  8. Frank Avatar

    Ok, so these guns and the RAS47 have been clumped together because of Century and I get that. I think its a bit unfair with this model but ok I get it. I have a few AK’s, a Arsenal, Saiga, 2 WASR’s, a Draco, and now this rifle. I read the reviews and know it has its weak points that could be a concern. I will say that so far my rifle has been gtg, only had it out twice so far but I have run roughly 750rnds through it at this point. I have to bring up the point that ten years ago people were calling the WASR a POS. At the time it was the cheapest option, many had canted sights, worn barrels, loose mag wells, ill fitted trunions, I could go on. My point being is it took me 3 WASR’s to get a good one. Is the bad rep kind of escalating past reason and shadowing what in the future will be looked at as a decent cost conscious choice to get a milled receiver gun? Mine is the most accurate of my AK family and fit and finish is very good. I have never had a AK purchased without some negative posting on the web. My question is would you sell a C39V2 to a friend or use one if you came across it and needed a rifle? Sorry for the long question edit it if needed.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Frank, C39V2 never went thorough our 5k rds tests. Ras47 went and it was a fiasco…why this important? Because Ras47 and C39v2 share the same components: bolt carrier and bolt…now look at this: https://www.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/2016/12/another-ras47-bites-dust/
      I have posted just another case of Ras47 like this on facebook today…

  9. Joshw923 Avatar

    Hey Rob Ski, now would you recommend the psalms-47 GF3 over the c39v2. I believe the psak made it threw the 4500 round test.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, i think PSAK GF3 is better value for money paid vs C39

  10. Joshw923 Avatar

    Psak not psalms

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