Romanian AK47: Paratrooper, 4000 Rounds Later! Paul is Back!!!

Romanian AK47: Paratrooper, 4000 Rounds Later! Paul is Back!!!

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5 responses to “Romanian AK47: Paratrooper, 4000 Rounds Later! Paul is Back!!!”

  1. Lawrence Otwell Avatar
    Lawrence Otwell

    Always find it interesting how the perspective on the WASR has changed since AKOU started doing objective testing. Bought mine back in 2008 because it was only thing available during the Obama buying frenzy. Everyone treated WASRs like a red-headed step-child. Mine has always digested any ammo I’ve fed it without a single malfunction in the over 10 yrs I’ve owned it. I’m keeping it.

    1. Rick Montoya Avatar
      Rick Montoya

      They’re still bottom-feeders, but they work. My first AK was a Norinco MAK-90 I bought 20 years ago…..7,000 rounds later and not one single malfunction, no bolt-carrier wear, and the best AK trigger ever! Dead-on accurate too.

    2. Hector Avatar

      Yeah, lots of good WASRs & thumbholes around, before Obama. So much for freedom but I served, well before his time.

      Thank’s for going active duty Paul; based on shooting skill, ect., you deserve it.

  2. SeanDigger Avatar

    Hey Rob, I just picked up an RH10 and had a a question for you about it.. At least the scope/red dot set up you’re using on yours.

    I know RS Regulate makes a side rail specifically for the M10/RH10 (the AK-310M). I wanted to know if that’s what you use on yours or if you use the 301M-303m and just deal with the slight height difference? I’d rather buy a 303M and be able to use it on other AK’s than buy a RH10 specific one that’s only good on this rifle… Thoughts? Feelz? Cheers & Thanks!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Hi Sean, I used regular 301 and 303 on RH10. It sits little bit higher, but you can get use to it…

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