Inter Ordnance AK47, 1000 RDS Later – Yeah!

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To many problems with that rifle io needs to get on it. Let’s try out the npap
You think the rifle will last 4k more rounds, Rob? I just hope it doesn’t detonate in your face. I doubt the recoil spring buffer will last at all. Stay safe, man.
Rob, if you can, compare the length of the receiver and its rails to your other AKs. I sort of have a feeling there is something funky going on with measurements of IO receivers, thats why they have the buffer.(and that might be why your rifles top cover is almost ready to fly off the rifle..). I would bet that if you get rid of that buffer the bolt carrier will slide too far on the receiver rails even with spring attached..(Disclaimer and safety warning: do NOT try to fire the rifle without buffer, I’m in no way advising anyone to do modifications to your firearms and I take no responsibility if you decide to do so…)
I saw one IO some time back, before seeing that I was always wondering why IO had such a bad rep. After seeing one and taking some closer looks I’m not surprised anymore…It also had the buffer, but it also had a strange notch made into it’s top cover, on the back of it where it sits against rear trunnion, below the opening for the locking tab. You might want to check that also, if yours has that (Can’t remember if you showed that on the videos).Because of that, surplus top covers couldn’t be used on that particular IO without mods.
I just can’t understand why IO is making such a crappy rifle, there is a huge market for AKs and they are producing these shitty quality examples of poor manufacturing and lackluster QC.
Arsenals are gone, wasr is gone. Polish parts kits are drying up. I have not seen the npap in a while. Its crazy that there is a huge void for a good rifle and nobody is filling it. Ill bet people are nervous to invest in the machinery when our politicians are so desperate to disarm us. And really. A guy goes into a store looking for an “assault rifle” and sees an I.O. or RAS on the shelf and they look scary enough. Most people wont know any better. My first wasr came with 2 steel mags, a mag pouch, a sling, a bayonet, and an oil can for $400. That rifle is still rocking and rolling after 12 years and thousands of rounds of hard abuse. Nothing looks at all like it is about to wear out.
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