Arsenal SLR107, 4000 Rounds Later – Cruise Control

Arsenal SLR107, 4000 Rounds Later – Cruise Control
There will some break from videos now guys, because I have a training to go with my Army unit. We should be back to making videos at the end of the month. I have some videos recorded too, just didn’t have a time to edit those files yet, so maybe Ula can do some magic here and post them, but i’m not sure about it…lol

YouTube video

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5 responses to “Arsenal SLR107, 4000 Rounds Later – Cruise Control”

  1. Sparky Avatar

    Great video Rob… I am liking that red dot… Been a aimpoint guy for over ten years but I am about to pull the trigger on one of these from your shop….. Seems like a nice piece of kit… Glad the Arsenal is holding up after having a few safes full of them I was crossing my fingers on this beast haha…thanks again for he videos and the time you guys take to make them for us….

  2. Spartan194 Avatar

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, couldn’t find a way to write to the blog apart from commenting. For my next rifle, I’m looking to make a jump to the AK platform (my main rifle now is a piston operated AR 15). Have my eye on a couple of DDI 7.62 models as options. Basically, the debate for me is get an AK, or buy and modify a 300 blackout AR upper. Here are my pros for both:

    AR piston upper, 300:
    Slaps on my milspec lower, no issues, same magazines.
    Spare parts regularly manufactured and available
    Ammo and parts not subject to import issues

    AK from DDI,
    cheap ammo. Really cheap
    Just feels better to me, couldn’t explain why
    Not afraid to use it roughly if necessary
    Comes the way I like functionally, just need some rails to add.

    What do you guys think? Please forgive any misconceptions above, I only know what I can find online, and we all know how accurate that can be at times.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I honestly think that if you are going to supress it, then go with 300 blackout upper. If not, roll with AK.

      1. Daniel Avatar

        Thanks Rob, looks like I’m going with the AK (if I want to be quiet, I’ll use a knife). I’ll definitely start saving up then, good thing my company allows interns to do overtime.

  3. scottyb Avatar

    AK all the way.

    I like ARs too.

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