DON’T BLAME AK for your personal failures at the range!

DON’T BLAME AK for your personal failures at the range!
I’m really sick and tired of people complaining about poor AK accuracy, about how horrible AK iron sights are for CQB (wtf?!) and how bad they are for extended range shooting…
It is not AK fault! If all you do is shoot dirt when “bumpfiring” then Shame on you! Maybe you should spend 10-15 minutes for some basic marksmanship instead of dumping mag after mag into dirt?
Also, i’m all for modding AKs, but DO IT WITH COMMON SENSE or DON’t DO IT AT ALL!!!
New video is out…

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15 responses to “DON’T BLAME AK for your personal failures at the range!”

  1. Lee Williams Avatar

    Your comments are spot on, Rob, and refreshing to read. I’ve heard the same crap for years — blaming the rifle. Kudos on your great site.

  2. AlphaKilo47 Avatar

    Right on Robski…!

  3. Adam Avatar

    Rob, what rifle are you using to demonstrate in this video?

  4. chris Avatar

    Whats up with the facebook page, did you move over to somewhere else?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Someone made a complain on us to Facebook, that we are promoting gun sales and Facebook now restricts access to it…hands down.

  5. Mike Tenenbaum Avatar
    Mike Tenenbaum

    I love the AK platform. It’s the best. However I have a 68 year old set of eyes and of late have had difficulty hitting at 100 meters. I purchased a Krebs rear sight with the large peep sight that you despise and am hitting well and regularly. Different strokes for different folks. I don’t consider aging eyes a personal failure.
    See Ya,
    Mike T.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Mike, problem isn’t with 100yds, those peep sights are starting to work against you at 200 yds and up…

      1. Mike Tenenbaum Avatar
        Mike Tenenbaum

        Hi Rob,
        Thanx for the quick reply. By the way, I sent your clearing malfunction video to a friend of mine who’s just getting into AKs. He showed me his and said he couldn’t get the dust cover off so it must be defective. I put the muzzle on a floor mat and field striped it no problem. He screamed that I just ruined the crown. After getting your video he probably had a stroke.
        All I can say about the Krebs Peep sights vs. the standard AK notch is that my shooting at various ranges has improved dramatically. I also put a Krebs selector on which allows the weapon to lock open after the last round. That and Romanian lock open magazines have resulted in improvements without really impacting the basic AK platform.
        Keep the videos coming please, they’re great.
        See Ya,
        Mike Tenenbaum

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Mike, if you really would like to experiment with irons, put KNS Precision .052 Diameter Ball Front Sight. You should have a good time with it. It is less than $8…;-)

          1. Ryder Avatar

            Hi Rob,
            What do you think of the tech sights?

          2. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            I don’t have much experience with these…sorry man.

  6. Mike Tenenbaum Avatar
    Mike Tenenbaum

    Hi Rob,
    It looks like we’ve got a lot to talk about.
    Thanx for the suggestion on the KNS Irons. I currently have a Trijicon front sight along with my Krebs rear peep. They work well together and I have the added advantage of low light capability with them.
    You’ve been a lot more fights than I have so please let me know your thoughts about this. A 300 meter shot with an AK is certainly doable, but does it happen in real life? To me the AK is just as advertised-an assault rifle. A weapon that establishes and holds fire superiority in a short range scenario. Since most fights are within a 50 meter window and dropping down from there, I practice at essentially contact ranges. It’s great to have versatility, but to me 300 meters is getting into dedicated marksman country.
    Your bolt and bolt carrier have a nice chrome job on them. I like chrome for the self lubricating qualities it brings to an auto or semi auto platform. Can you tell me who did the work for you?
    Best Regards,
    Mike T.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Mike, we got all sold out on those CQBs and “inside 100yds” tactics mainly because of Iraq. Situation drastically changed with landscape in Afghanistan. Suddenly, we have found ourselves in deep need for reviving squad designated marksman program more than ever…AK 74s clones can be effective up to 600 meters – deadly effective. For 7.62×39, everything above 300 yds (270m), you have to be really good with making wind calls.
      I’m not objecting peep sights – there is no discussion that peep sights could be great tool – but there is huge difference how they are done on M16s and M4s. To really take an advantage of peep, your eye should be really close to it…that’s not the case with fixed peep sights currently present on AK market. They are just replacing rear leaf and are far away from your eyes…
      The only different product i have seen which really address this issue and also included flip sight for farther engagements is this: – downside of this cover is limited capability of installing optic when that cover is used…so, this is pretty much “iron sights” only solution – no 4x optics and etc.
      Another option is to install full set of Zenit rails and remove front post, then use pop sights like from Troy – works awesome and you can use any optic you want. Downside of this solution is cost.
      So, going back to original issue – honestly, for anything within 100m, original AK iron sights will do good job on human size target. If we are talking about group shooting, you are probably benefiting from Krebs peep, but you would benefit even more if you would use correctly design solution like from “tech sights”, because above 100m, Krebs peep will start working against you…farther away you go, more difficult it will be. Again, that’s not the case with “tech sights”, because you can change it to smaller “peep hole”, just like on M16s or M4s sights…
      Now, forget all of this. From my research, it appears that most AK shooters have a problem with front post and not rear sight. After all, if you shoot pistol, AK sights are no different than what you have on pistol…
      Regular AK front post is thick and it often covers the whole target for shooters. You can’t hit what you don’t see it. Also, many guys make very simple mistake: they focus on target and not on front post…or they try to focus on everything: sights and target. This is simply impossible, because human eye can’t focus on everything…but now we are digging deeper into the marksmanship and i don’t want to annoy you to death…hahahaha

  7. Mike Tenenbaum Avatar
    Mike Tenenbaum

    Thanx Rob,
    That’s good advise from someone who’s obviously” seen the elephant”.
    I owe you a vodka. You chose the brand.
    See Ya,
    Mike Tenenbaum

  8. Hector Franceschini Avatar
    Hector Franceschini

    Good point, I agree. Some individuals will not spend the same amount of time or work, with the rifle. It happens, with AR shooters all of the time, when switching over. They will take an AK and perform half of the sights work and conclude. Taking shortcuts is not the best method.

    Average kill range in Iraq was roughly 50 yards or so, depending on the source, you are 100% right. That is well, within 100 yards; thus, the need for shorter barrels arose, with the M4. Short barrels are just fine but they originally came out weak, thin and had problems. That is my issue, with the M4; it still needs reconverted to atleast a 16 inch barrel out in the open and an 18-20 inch would even be better, old school. Thank’s for the info.

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