Titan Quad Rail System by Chaos USA for AK 47 / AK 74 Review

Titan Rail System
Titan Rail System

Titan Quad Rail System by Chaos USA for AK 47 / AK 74 is fully field strippable system. It consists of two main parts: front rail and rear rail which mounted over the AK dust cover. Rail system requires no tools to strip down both sections. Rail is made from aircraft grade aluminum alloy (6061). Front part weights 9oz and rear part weight is 6.4oz. Cost for each section is $156.95, so complete system will cost you $313.90. Chaos USA included many adjustment points for wear for future and promises that top cover / rear part will always return to Zero after routine maintenance and etc.

So how did Titan performed? Please watch this video to see if this rail system lives up to Chaos USA promises…

– Rob Ski

YouTube video

41 responses to “Titan Quad Rail System by Chaos USA for AK 47 / AK 74 Review”

  1. Lobo Avatar

    Would i be able to fit this on a C39?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      The railed dust cover will fit with little modification. Front rail will not…

      1. Justin Henry Avatar
        Justin Henry

        What are the modifications to get the rear rail to fit? Is it just replacing the retaining pin or is there more modification needed beyond that?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Just retaining pin, which has to be drill out…

          1. Justin Henry Avatar
            Justin Henry

            What front rail do you suggest that would line up with the rear dust cover rail?

          2. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            You can use their front rail as well…

  2. Scott Hunter Avatar
    Scott Hunter

    Hi, will this fit the Type 56-2?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      The top part, yes, it will fit.

  3. Bryan Avatar

    Will it fit a Vepr? is it an upgrade from a TWS rail?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      The top part should fit Vepr. You may want to check with Chaos USA to be sure.

  4. Lamar Avatar

    Will this fit a M+M M10

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It should, but i haven’t tested this on that rifle, but it looks like it will fit.

  5. Jonathan Brown Avatar
    Jonathan Brown

    i have a M70ab2 (under folding yugo ak47) will this system work with little to no modification of the rifle?
    i managed to find tritium vials to replace burnt out ones in the rear sights and i am hoping to not lose night sight capabilities, but did buy a eotech XPS2-2 (i think it would work for an ak47) to mount on rifle and need a rail system to come further to the rear for proper placement and to avoid heat damage from front of the rifle.
    i already have a quad rail for the front end i am happy with (actually allows the grenade sight to off position) so i would just be needing the back half.
    i would like clarification on installation before dropping this kind of money on this rifle cause ive always seem to find the stuff that dosnt work with this ak47 variant.
    thank you

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I think it will work with M70ab2, but i never had it on it…

  6. Zack Avatar

    Would this fit my American Tactical AK-47?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Who makes that “American Tactical AK-47”?

      1. Zack Avatar

        ATI American Tactical Imports.

  7. Phillip Avatar

    Will this rail system fit the RAS47 or will there need to be modifications made?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Modifications would have to be made.

  8. Branden Avatar

    Will this fit the c39v2

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I have no idea, please check with Century…i don’t have their rifle anymore.

  9. Tristin Avatar

    Would this fit the m70 ak?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski


  10. Greg Avatar

    Will this rail system fit a Chinese MAK 90 ?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No idea. Probably best to check with them…

  11. Beau Avatar

    How does the hand guard handle heat?

  12. Chris Avatar

    Regarding just the forend without the dust cover rail, should you be able to use just the lower handguard without the gas tube cover? In other words, could I use the railed lower with wood furniture on the gas tube? Or would that require further modification? Thanks

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I don’t remember exactly, but i think yes, you don’t need upper rail.

    2. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No,there wouldn’t b enough room for wood.

  13. Ross, Robert C. Avatar
    Ross, Robert C.

    would to the dust cover rail fit a arsenal slr 104?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Please check with Chaos. It should fit, but ask them about it.

  14. GILWOLF Avatar

    Can I please get an AK-47 exactly like the one Rob is using in the video? Same exact look, same scope, same everything.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      This was SGL31 with Mepro red dot

  15. Patricia Daniels Avatar
    Patricia Daniels

    I have a Romanian Draco pistol manufactured by Century Arms

    1. Patricia Daniels Avatar
      Patricia Daniels

      Do you know if the dust cover will fit the Draco Pistol?

  16. Corey Avatar

    What mods will have to be done for the CA zhukov ras47?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I have no idea, check directly with CHAOS

  17. Ian Avatar

    Hey Rob in the long run, did this hold repeatable zero?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Paul was using it, but he took it off, because those set screws finally get “screwed” – no punt intended…

  18. Erin Avatar

    I know I’m late on this post but I decided to go with this system after doing some research on what to buy on the subject matter so after watching your vids I ended up giving chaos a try..I have the front handgaurd on and so far it seems solid.when I get home next week I intend to go to a gunsmith friend of mine to help with the dust cover (I dont have a drill) so hopefully I can throw my eotech zero it and get some testing of my own in but it does look good on the wasr with the magpul ubr 🙂

  19. Ryan Kahl Avatar
    Ryan Kahl

    I’m actually thinking about going another rout. I’m thinking about brining my milled Norinco MAK 90 to a gunsmith and have them weld a side mount system on mine. I was going to do the AK Master Mount but now I’m hearing they also don’t hold zero after a couple years worth of abuse. So I’ll probably sell this system. I had the front on once then took it off. The rear is on my rifle but never properly adjusted so of course when my buddy had to shoot my new toy even though it had no sights and it wasn’t ready to shoot he blew through a couple mags rapid fire and I lost one of the set screws on the rear part so I never got to use it and decided yeah no I’m not going to deal with that so I put my rifle away for almost 2-3 years now. I’m ready to sell this system if anyone is interested and get my gun to the gunsmith so I can put my Primary Arms 1-6 scope with the ACSS reticle on it and have some fun with this gun. If anyone is interested reply and I can give you my number.

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